swipe down to see projects in detailMusic is my medium, in all its diversity and variety of styles and genres.
As a musician, I try to compose and perform for radically different events and productions.
My primary interest is in human perception and systems.
The human brain has an innate attitude towards classifying the perceived world into hierarchical systems. This is also one of the reasons why we developed such a complex communication system, that is one of the fundaments of our evolution.
What happens to our perception when we experience the outbreak of such systems?
As a musician, I try to compose and perform for radically different events and productions.
My primary interest is in human perception and systems.
The human brain has an innate attitude towards classifying the perceived world into hierarchical systems. This is also one of the reasons why we developed such a complex communication system, that is one of the fundaments of our evolution.
What happens to our perception when we experience the outbreak of such systems?
we see two extremely opposite behavioural subjects that collide and corrupt each other.
How do artificial intelligences react to the continuous evolution of our culture?
What is the mutual impact between man and its mechanical counterpart?
Those processes, whose variable parameters lead, once hacked, to unpredictable results, hold a strong fascination on me.
Another subject I have been working on is the relationship between language and music. They both share a common origin and still work in a similar way, at a very basic level: Although based on specific and strict sets of rules, they partly evolved through exceptions and deviations from those.
The processes underlying these outbreak and our feeling for it are something that I intend to explore, analyse and integrate into my work.
The processes underlying these outbreak and our feeling for it are something that I intend to explore, analyse and integrate into my work.
Chamber Music
As a kid in the 80s and early 90s, I used to delve into computer games and artworks, especially those early independent works that were far from being professional products.I was fascinated by the rudimental images, with their vibrant palette, their square shapes and the often surreal atmosphere. The vagueness and unclarity of those drawings exercised a strong impact on my kid’s imagination and at the time I used to consider them as some sort of digital impressionism.
In this piece I intended to explore my relationship with this very ephemeral medium, which is now present only in my memory, as most of the ephemeral supports that stored this data already demagnetised. Here I tried to create the sonic rendering of a strongly pixelated image, whose units are constantly changing and grouping up in shapes and outlines that emerge from the background and let the viewer's imagination take over.
VOGELSPRACHEN: シジュウカラ#1 & 2
(Shijukara #1)
The Japanese Tit or Shijukara is a forest-dwelling small passerine bird found in north-eastern Asia.
Click here for a dedicated page with a full description of the project.

シジュウカラ (Shijukara) #1 has been performed in Kyoto as an audiovisual installation for 4 video monitors and live-piano.
December 14, 2019 - Kyoto, Japan / Villa Kamogawa, Goethe Institut